One of the important Sub-committees of the Banani DOHS Parishad is the Arbitration Sub-committee. This Sub-committee is nominated by the Executive Committee for a term of 2 (two) years. Due to continuity of the Executive Committee, present Arbitration Sub-committee has been functioning for the last 8 (eight) years with little changes in the members of the Sub-committee. The Arbitration Sub-committee is headed by a nominated President and 3 to 4 members who all are permanent residents of this society.

Activities of Arbitration Sub-committee:

The Arbitration Sub-committee takes effective measures to resolve different type of issues and disputes between the residents of the society. The complaints are received either through the Executive Committee or from Senasadar, Military Estate Office or Cantonment Board. The issues are mostly related to disputes of properties within the society.

Disposal of Cases:

On receipt of a complaint, the Arbitration Sub-committee on the basis of the merit of the case, issues notice upon all the parties for hearing and examines all the relevant documents in details. Some of the issues are settled amicably between the parties while the other cases which are complicated in nature, a detailed report is made which is sent to Senasadar QMG’s Branch along with recommendations. QMG’s Branch holds periodical meeting at Senasadar which is attended by all the parties. On personal hearing by the QMG, decisions are given by him for implementation. The Arbitration Sub-committee having received decision from QMG’s Branch implements the same and monitors the progress of implementations regularly. They also provide feedback to QMG’s Branch regarding the progress of implementation of decisions where necessary.

Achievements of the Sub-committee:

During the last 8 (eight) years the Arbitration Sub-committee has received 27 (twenty seven) cases and disposal of the same are as follows:

a. Cases Resolved -- 16
b. Cases Ongoing -- 04
c. Cases Pending -- 04
d. Cases pending due to law-suits filed in the court -- 03
Total Cases -- 27